Giving Back to the Community
At The Condo Co., we believe in a triple bottom line, where our financial performance is just as important as our impact on the environment and community. By contributing to local organizations and supporting our community, we strive to operate in a more economical and sustainable manner.
Be Local
The Condo Co. is a part of the Be Local network! Be Local aims to develop a local economy that is sustainable, resilient and works for everyone.
100% Paperless
The Condo Co. is 100% paperless! We request that condo documents be sent electronically, our reports are delivered online, and our backend work is also conducted online. If a client requests paper copies, we will print them and ask that they be recycled afterward.
Charity Donation
The Condo Co. donates and volunteers to our Charity Partner, Momentum. Momentum works with people living on lower incomes and partners in our community to create a thriving local economy for all.